The Board of Trustees of the Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg
The Board of Trustees exercises the following duties and rights on behalf of the Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg as the sponsor of the university:
- the approval of the university development plan,
- the approval of the appointment, hiring and dismissal of professors; this also includes the approval of exceptions according to § 8 Absatz 2,
- to give an opinion to the Kollegium of the Oberkirchenrat on the appointment and dismissal of the rector and the vice-rector, and on the appointment and dismissal of the chancellor,
- giving an opinion to the Kollegium of the Oberkirchenrat on amendments to the Constitution of the University,
- the approval of the draft budget and staffing plan,
- discussion of the annual report of the Rector,
- approval of the establishment, modification, abolition, assignment and organization of institutes (§ 24 Absatz 2),
- approval of the establishment of additional prorectorates.
The members of the board of trustees are
- the responsible department head of the Oberkirchenrat as chairman or chairwoman,
- a representative of the Stiftung Karlshöhe Ludwigsburg,
- a representative of the Diakonisches Werk der evangelischen Kirche in Württemberg e. V.,
- one member of the Landessynode,
- one representative of a social institution or of the church's educational work,
- one representative of the city or district of Ludwigsburg,
- one social scientist or educationalist from a state university.
The following take part in the meetings of the Board of Trustees in an advisory capacity:
- the rectorate,
- two students elected by the student body,
- an employee of the Oberkirchenrat as an executive member,
- two university professors elected by the group of university professors in accordance with § 14 Absatz 2.
No persons found.